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BC Central Interior FertilityCare
Natural Family Planning

The Creighton Model is a beautiful method of family planning, it teaches couple to be open to the Church's teaching on the Theology of the Body.  The term SPICE is used to explain this form of communication.  SPICE means that you love your spouse in a spiritual, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional creation of God.  Couples who use this system learn how to love their spouse as a whole person.


The Creighton Model System program works by using standardized observations and the charting of biological marks that are essential to interpret a woman’s health and fertility. These observations show the couple when they are fertile and infertile, allowing them to use the method to either achieve or avoid a pregnancy.  At the same time, the observations can be used to determine the overall long-time health of a woman.  These simple and quick observations provide incredible insight.


As a method of true family planning, the CrMS™ can be used to achieve or avoid pregnancy.  A user-effectiveness study was published in the June 1998 issue of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, proving that the method of effectiveness of CrMS™ is 99.5% (perfect use). 




NaproTECHNOLOGY® is a new Reproductive science that monitors, maintains and evaluates a woman’s gynaecological and reproductive health.  NaproTECHNOLOGY® uses the CrMS™ to identify potential medical conditions that occur in the menstrual and fertility cycle.




Learning the Creighton Model of FertilityCare System begins with an Introductory session that explains the scientific foundations, methodology, applications for various reproductive categories, and how to NaproTRACK your cycle with a series of essential, individualized follow up teaching appointment to review your progress.  At each follow up, the Practitioner tailors the system to your specific reproductive category.  These sessions are very important so that a couple can quickly gain confident in their ability to chart this ovulation method. Your Practitioner is also available for consultant between sessions should any questions arise.




  • Infertility

  • Miscarriage

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Irregular Cycles

  • Maintaining Pregnancy

  • Hormone Problems

  • PMS

  • Effects of Stress

  • Unusual Bleeding


This is easily done long distance via skype, email, and/or phone calls




BC Central Interior FertilityCare Services 
Alice Ferreira CFCP, TFT
Phone:  250-992-8419 


Phone: 250-376-3351

Fax: 250-376-3363


Chancery Office

Office Hours
Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 4:30pm


635A Tranquille Road

Kamloops, BC
V2B 3H5
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