The Diocese of Kamloops comprises that part of the interior of British Columbia bounded on the north by the 53 degrees 0' parallel of north latitude beginning at the 124 degrees of west longitude; then easterly along the 53 degrees 0' of north latitude to the British Columbia - Alberta provincial boundary; then southerly along the provincial boundary to the 118 degrees 40' of west longitude; then southerly along the 118 degrees 40' of west longitude to the 50 degrees 07' parallel of north latitude to the 50 degrees 0' parallel of north latitude; then westerly along the 50 degrees 0' parallel of north latitude to the 124 degrees of west longitude; then northerly along the 124 degrees of west longitude to the 53 degrees 0' parallel of north latitude.
Okay, so that was the legal definition. There is far more to the Diocese of Kamloops.
The Diocese still covers approximately 60,000 square miles but much has changed in terms of personnel, churches and Catholic population.
In comparing the statistics of 1945 and 1995 it is noteworthy that between those years many churches were built and the number increased from 10 to 22.
The decrease in vocations to the priesthood and religious life has left its mark in this diocese as elsewhere. This is evident in the smaller number of clergy and of religious in active ministry here. Happily a new foundation of Discalced Carmelite Sisters was established in 1991.
Our Catholic population as of 2008 is 51,000.