Rachel's Vineyard
Healing the pain of abortion - one weekend at a time.
Rachel's Vineyard weekends for healing after abortion are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, with additional sites around the world. Rachel’s Vineyard is a ministry of Priests for Life
The program is an opportunity to examine your abortion experience, identify the ways that the loss has impacted you in the past and present, and helps to acknowledge any unresolved feelings that many individuals struggle with after abortion. Because of the emotional numbness and secrecy that often surrounds an abortion experience, conflicting emotions both during and after the event may remain unresolved. These buried feelings can surface later and may be symptoms of post abortion trauma.
This powerful experience facilitates healing for those who have experienced the pain of abortion. Please note that this weekend is CONFIDENTIAL.
Nancy Hadden
Email: rvkamloops@yahoo.ca
Phone/Text: 250-267-5081
Website: http://www.rachelsvineyardkamloops.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rvkamloops